Amanda Trevisan de Azevedo, Lara Bartocci Liboni, Luciana Oranges Cezarino, Geraldo Jose Ferraresi de Araujo, Flavio Pinheiro Martins


Female entrepreneurship plays a central role in economic and social development; as a research topic, it has attracted attention from several areas. Work and research on female entrepreneurship are predominantly oriented from the perspective of the roles socially attributed to women. This research is based on Organizational Theory and aims to analyze entrepreneurship-related competencies, developing an integrative framework between macro-skills from scientific literature and the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). Through a systematic review of the literature and applying a questionnaire, in which the data was subjected to cluster analysis using the agglomerative method, it was possible to develop a new proposal for grouping female entrepreneurial skills. The results contribute to the literature on female entrepreneurship and to discussions of gender and equality in organizations, stimulating new policies and strategies for the development of female entrepreneurship.


Gender Diversity; Female entrepreneurship; Entrepreneur competence; Gender inequality

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.13059/racef.v15i1.1042


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Direitos autorais 2024 Revista de Administração, Contabilidade e Economia da Fundace

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